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Link to Why You Should Stop Counting Calories to Lose Weight
YouTube video Sx1OZ3Q9mCE

Why You Should Stop Counting Calories to Lose Weight

Counting and restricting the number of calories you consume is a well established strategy for losing weight. Many people and fitness influencers swear by it, but scientists tend to disagree...

Link to Dan's Journey Back to Health & Fitness
YouTube video YIEjavvzCfU

Dan's Journey Back to Health & Fitness

As a former pro cyclist, over the last decade Dan traded out his healthy habits and athletic lifestyle for a more inactive one. Now, he's at a point where he wants to turn things around! He's wondering how simple exercise, eating right, sleeping better, and making small lifestyle changes can impact his lifespan and healthspan.

Link to Inside Team Lotto-Dstny’s Bus
YouTube video CvYfoujj7n4

Inside Team Lotto-Dstny’s Bus

A home for the pre-race briefings, and a safe haven to relax after a hard day on the saddle, the team bus often represents the inner sanctum for a pro rider. Conor has managed to sneak aboard the Lotto-Dstny pro team bus... find out what's inside, and if he can discover their secret beer stash!

Link to Be More Aero On A Budget With These Top Tips!
YouTube video OfCycDhPp2o

Be More Aero On A Budget With These Top Tips!

How can you get more aero on the bike and save those key watts, without breaking the bank? Hank and Manon are here with their top tips to become more aero on the bike without spending a fortune.

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