Tempo intervals with sprint finishes: Manon Lloyd’s 30-minute indoor training workout

Build your resistance to fatigue with this short but leg-sapping indoor cycling session

Clock17:32, Monday 11th December 2023

Join Manon Lloyd for this week’s training session as she takes you through three sets of tempo intervals. Each interval varies with a mix of tempo efforts before ending with a fatigue-inducing 30-second sprint.

To complete the session, you’ll need an indoor bike, exercise bike, smart trainer or turbo trainer. Things will get toasty once you’ve reached the sprint efforts so make sure you have a towel and some water near at hand.

What is the benefit of tempo training?

Tempo lies in the middle of the effort scale. A pace that you should be able to hold for long periods, it’s faster than a conversational endurance pace but falls below functional threshold power territory where the fatigue starts to kick in.

Targeting the tempo training zone will build your endurance, helping you to ride faster for longer. To maximise those training gains, we’ve added sprint efforts into the intervals which will build fatigue throughout the workout. This will be beneficial, improving your ability to ride through fatigue in the future.

Warm up: 5 minutes at a range of intensities

Warm up: 5 minutes at a range of intensities

To prepare for the intervals, a thorough warm-up is required. Follow Manon’s lead, starting at an easy 2/10, before building up through the effort levels to 5/10. Things will then briefly drop back down to 2/10, giving you time to recover ahead of the first interval.

Intervals: Tempo efforts finished off with sprints

Intervals: Tempo efforts finished off with sprints

Each interval will differ slightly and there will be a short minute of recovery between each.

For the first, start out at 5/10 for two minutes, building up to 7/10 for three minutes, before ending with 30 seconds at 9/10. Start at 7/10 for the second interval, moving up to 5/10, before once again finishing with a sprint.

The final interval is really tough with a two-minute 9/10 effort followed by three minutes at 6/10. Things will once again end with a 30-second 9/10 effort and, by this point, your legs should be burning!

Cool down: Spin out your legs for 5 minutes

Cool down: Spin out your legs for five minutes

Your legs should be really burning after that last interval! It’s important to thoroughly warm down in order to clear any lactate and kick-start the recovery process.

Aim to complete five minutes of easy spinning.

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